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Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Woodcutter & Water Fairy

A woodcutter was cutting the wood from a tree near the bank of a river.

Suddenly the axe slipped from the hands of the woodcutter and fell down into the fast current of the river.

Woodcutter searched the axe in the river. but he could not find it.

Cursing his luck the woodcutter dejectedly sat near the bank of the river. Suddenly a water-fairy appeared in the river.

"Why are you worried?" water-fairy asked in a soft voice.
"My axe has fallen n the river. I don't have another axe." woodcutter said in a sad voice.

Water-fairy assured him that she would get the axe and disappeared.

"Is this golden axe yours?" Water-fairy asked after resurfacing.

"No, this is not mine." Honest woodcutter refused promptly.

Water-fairy again disappeared in the water and this time came out with a silver axe but the woodcutter refused again.

Impressed by the honesty of woodcutter water-fairy gifted him both the axes with his iron axe.

Moral:- Honesty is the Only key to Success

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