Short Stories 110

Short stories, Moral stories, Children stories, Moral stories, inspirational stories, Learn English stories, KIdz stories, Puzzle, Riddle time, Fun time, Jokes, and many more.


Saturday, August 25, 2018

9:33 PM

The Woodcutter & Water Fairy

A woodcutter was cutting the wood from a tree near the bank of a river.

Suddenly the axe slipped from the hands of the woodcutter and fell down into the fast current of the river.

Woodcutter searched the axe in the river. but he could not find it.

Cursing his luck the woodcutter dejectedly sat near the bank of the river. Suddenly a water-fairy appeared in the river.

"Why are you worried?" water-fairy asked in a soft voice.
"My axe has fallen n the river. I don't have another axe." woodcutter said in a sad voice.

Water-fairy assured him that she would get the axe and disappeared.

"Is this golden axe yours?" Water-fairy asked after resurfacing.

"No, this is not mine." Honest woodcutter refused promptly.

Water-fairy again disappeared in the water and this time came out with a silver axe but the woodcutter refused again.

Impressed by the honesty of woodcutter water-fairy gifted him both the axes with his iron axe.

Moral:- Honesty is the Only key to Success

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

8:27 AM


A cavalryman had a horse and an ox as his pet. One the day, those two came to know that their master was about to depart for the war.

The horse became worried to think about the dangers he would have to face on the battlefield. 

But the ox was very happy to think that in the absence of his master, he would have plenty of time to take rest.

But as the luck would have it, the enemy surrendered. To celebrate the defeat of the enemy the cavalryman held a grand banquet where plenty of roast meat was served. Who do you think, was the loser then?

Monday, July 16, 2018

5:30 AM

The Monkey and the Net

A monkey was sitting on a high branch of a riverside tree.

After some time some fishermen came and cast their nets out into the river. The monkey watched them with great interest.

When it was noon time, the fishermen went off to take their lunch leaving their nets on the river bank.

The monkey came down from the tree. He picked up the net and tried to cast it in the same manner the fishermen had done.

But the net, instead of falling into the river, fell on the monkey. the more the monkey tried to come out of it, the more he got entangled in it.

Now it was too late by the time the monkey realized his folly of imitating blindly without having the required skill.

5:06 AM

The Greedy Dog

Once, a dog with a large piece of bone held tightly in his jaws was on his way to a safe place where he could eat and enjoy it uninterrupted.

He had to cross a footbridge over a clear stream. From the footbridge, he looked down and saw his own reflection.

Thinking that it was another dog having just a big a piece of bone in his mouth, the greedy dog jumped into the stream to have that bone also.

The greedy dog didn't realize that water crated reflection, and he had seen his own image.

But by then it was too late. He began gasping for air and opened his mouth in the process.

As a result, he was deprived of what he already had in his possession.he somehow managed to come out of the stream and save his life.

it is rightly said-'A bird in hand is worth two in the bush,'

Saturday, July 14, 2018

8:39 AM

The Hidden Trasure

A farmer in his dying moment called his sons to him.
"I am about to leave all of you forever," he mumbled infirmly. "But before I die, I must tell you that I have buried a lot of jewels and money somewhere in the vineyard. 

You have to dig deep into it to find the treasure."

The sons' thoughts that their father had hinted at some treasure-trove and thus, after his death, they dug up the entire vineyard. But they were greatly disappointed at not finding any treasure.

However, the earth in the vineyard dug so finely yielded a very good crop of high-quality grapes and that was the treasure.

There is no substitute for hard work 

8:26 AM

The Cleaver Turtle

A Starving fox once caught a turtle. But its solid shell prevented the fox from eating it.

Pretending to make things easy for the fox, the turtle suggested to him. "Why not try to first put me in the water for a while to soften me up?"

'That seems to be a pretty good idea,' so thought the fox to himself.

He carried the turtle to a river and immersed it in the water. the turtle swam his way deep down the river till he surfaced in the mid-stream laughing. "Now I hope, the myth related to your cunningness must have shattered by now?"
he taunted.